Sunday, September 14, 2008



exams tomorrow and nope, not 1 bit of studying has been done.

oh well, i Am gonna start now. Now, Right Now.

aha, who am i kidding=p

you should start studying too miguel, stop watching tv!

and this is considered an update okayyy=p

Sunday, July 27, 2008

WANTED - $1 Million ... ... only?

straits time was talking bout the mas selamat $1 mllion reward
today in the 'think' section and this chef said :

"$1 million is not enough.
perhaps if u give a reward of $10 million, his friends will be tempted to give him in."
think about it for awhile...
kinda true huh;)

Monday, July 14, 2008


yes u've been an ass, but i noe u dint mean it. am i not right?
that's y i said it's fine.
love ya.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


yes yes,
i noe,
sharon's not been updating her blog.
been busy u see=p

so today's Thursday,
shopped for the past 3 days and man did i enjoy it.
whoever said shopping with parents (especially with daddies) is boring,
is sooooooo wrong!

now let's see,
wat's new in my closet.

  • 1 black shorts
  • 1 white shorts
  • 1 levi's ladies jean my 1st levi's jean & i love it!
  • 1 levi's strauss signature jean
  • 1 white adidas bikini thanks B1!!!=D
  • 1 black/white adidas jogging shorts =)
  • 1 black adidas respect me dress yay! =D
  • 1 grey heels sparkly sparkly ;)

now u get wat i mean?


anw anw anw,

2 more days yo!

can't wait can't wait can't wait!!!



shit, i miss u... hahaha! bleh=p

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

last paper!!!

Security & Law.
What Could Be Worse??
Who Cares!=D

17 more days

Monday, June 16, 2008


i shall not talk about fuck'd up shits.
19 more days;)

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


How can i sing when my words have run dry
How can i smile with a tear in my eye
Summer's so lost when it's raining in June
That's how it feels
When i'm missing you
24 More Days

Thursday, June 5, 2008

30 days

wat a post to start up the 1 month count down..
projects due monday and we havent even started 1/2 bit..
sigh. fuck it.

30 more days

woohoo.. word of the day...

To wound the feelings of; to cause mental pain to; to offend in honor or self-respect; to annoy; to grieve.
To cause mental or emotional suffering to; distress.
Mental suffering; anguishMental suffering; anguishMental suffering; anguishMental suffering; anguish.
Psychological suffering.
Feelings of mental or physical pain.
Feel pain or be in pain.
To upset (a person or his feelings).

Saturday, May 31, 2008


to prevent the same experience from happening to another, i shall put out a notice :
unless u like weird tasting liquid,
Do not order the Iced Strawberry & Peach Latte when u dine in Bakerzin.
(I dint even taste coffee!)
ther's another fruity drink, can't remember it's name but i think it consists of sprite, strawberry syrup, and bits of lemon/lime/strawberry/orange peels.
Do not order that too.
but then again, u can have lotsa fun when u try something reeally unusual;)


The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman must be seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart - the place where love resides.

Sunday, May 25, 2008


officially outta her mind

Thursday, May 22, 2008


now, i realised i really don't know who you truly are.
you are beyond the worst case scenario stage of what i thought you to be.
so, just a word of advice for my friend you claim you are In Love With.
do not be deceived.


S for Super Sharon!!!

the havaianas clan=))

woohoo, i like;)

sexy Ningx!;)

as u can see, we're having Fun

our 1st shatec 'excursion'! on the way to Klenco.

this would probably make math lesson a lil more interesting? haha

now let's start counting!

1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9!

Class Dismissed;)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


shopping shopping shopping 1ce again.

but 1st, went fairmont to do some research for projs.
let's just skip that and go to the shopping part=D

tried on lotsa clothes again again again! haha
i shall upload the photos another time after i get allllll fron Ms Ningx. YAHHHH~!

good nite!

Monday, May 12, 2008

click click, snap snap;)

no reason why we did all these ytd. just had the kick to do it=D

Introducing my domestic helper of almost 10 years=))

ohhh, yess, 10 years is a very long time indeed. haha

cute rite;))

alrite. she wanted to showcase her wonderful piece of clothing.
there you go.

it was her idea okayyyy.
that's all=))

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Shopping without $$$ is totally... ... ...ther's no words to describe!!!

Were supposed to go check out hotels for project today after school but we ended up shopping instead!

anw to keep things short, Ningx and I tried on tonnes of clothes today.

1st stop: TopShop.

as we were just getting started, dint try much stuff.

just a few pairs of pumps actually. haha

2nd stop: Dorothy Perkins
i took a red bikini & tube top while Ningx took a black wrap dress.
i'll get those pictures from her tml and u'll get to see how sexy she looked;)

3rd stop: River Island

tops & bottoms went in with us to the fitting room & we had a hell lotta fun=D

[green dress]
not much picture taken here.
*Green & White stripes singlet.

4th stop: Pull & Bear
spent quite some time there too;)
*Denim overall(long).
this, of course, is not the 1 i wanna get.
i shall not upload the other 1;))

*things added to wishlist.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

how true.

It's sad when people you know become people you knew.
When you can walk right past someone like they were never a big part of your life.
How you used to be able to talk for hours and how now, you can barely even look at them...
It's sad how times can change.

Saturday, May 3, 2008


what's MFM?

Manhattan Fish Market!

went for Dinner over at MFM (Fish & Chips of course!) at PS yesterday, it's very much like Fish & Co. but oh well, It's Fish & Chips, how bad can it be rite?=p

just in case u guys don't noe what izzit, it's a REVERSE BUNGY located in Clark Quay.

so there's 2 thrills to try out.

1. the original G-max. It goes up & down.
2. G-max Swing aka G-swing. (Not G-string!) It swings back & forth.

if u ask me, G-max is the ultimate thrill=)) compared to G-swing that is.

WhooHoo! go try people Go TRY!!!=D

Blood Donation;)

woohoo! sharon donated blood for the first time on Wednesday 30th April 2008!
was a frightening experience man!

1st, u fill out a form, then they take your BP(mine was perfectly fine!), poke 1 of your fingers & squeeze several times for blood, and you go through that freaky period of waiting for your turn to get poked with more needles(not to mention getting connected to a long long tube)!

oh oh, i shall not leave out the fact that We, Ms Teresa Sim, Ms Ning Xin and I, were supposed to go through this together but guess what? Ms Sim was Absent on that very day. Who would have guessed rite? ha! (okok, u thought it was next week, fine, i'm not blaming you!=p)

rite,back to getting poked. it wasn't as bad as we thought la, Ningx & i totally freaked ourselves out while waiting, asking strangers whose blood was flowing through tubes whether it hurts! rite Ningx?!=D

Anyway it really really Seriously didn't hurt 1 bit! i Literrally looked at the needles being pushed under the skin & into my veins. Damn was it Cool!
We'll definitely do that again! =D

Look at my precious red blood cells
flowing through the tube~~~

now that's my pack of blood=)

Oh look, the Lifesavers!


and these are our pink bands=))

You're probably thinking, 'What's the Big deal? it's only a blood donation'..

but Hey! as you can see we're Very Proud of Ourselves!
Yea Ningx!

i'm not gonna preach bout the number of lifes we can save, it's just Fun do this with frens, may be because this is the 1st time we're doing it but Who Cares?!

trying it out & having fun is exactly why i did it. Oops! =D

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Food Hotel Asia excursion

today's a good day.
what more can you expect when you can have ice-cream for breakfast?
yes yes, an upset stomach is expected but, who cares?
life is short, enjoy while you can. =)

anw, Food Hotel Asia (FHA) is the gist of today's post. 1st excursion with shatec=)
A very very interesting exhibition indeed.
from food, to glasswares, chinawares, silverwares, to ovens & dishwashers!
Eeeverything u want & need are there man. well, i can't seem to find vacuum cleaners though.
anyhow, it's really an eye-opening experience for a small transportation fee of 3 bucks while people of the public have to pay quite a large amount, 80 bucks i heard. hmm.

so the 1st thing we did when we got there was to go get the free ice-cream samples that the trainers told us about.
tiramisu ice-cream in a cone. damn. super deeelicious!=D'
ham from belgium was super tender & smmoth too! haaa...
oh! aloe vera drink from korea is sooo refreshing! haha
took lotsa pictures=)) (continue scrolling down)

stayed there till the show closed at 6p.m & damn were we exhausted...
but still, 3 - 6 wasn't enough to cover the whole show.
so if anybody's going, be sure to go early & wear comfy shoes! very important...

journey back home was a loooong one...
over an hour...
imagine working at T3?! *shudder*

had the croissant that i got from fha for dinner. not bad. think it's from bakerzin.

interesting ice-cream deco yea=)

soo, erm, glamorous? ha=)

how cute can bread be?=))

colours colours=)

pretty lil chocs

sse what i mean?=)

exquisite details all done with Chocolate

oreo cheesecake!

and lotsa other nice desserts=))

Tweety went sun-tanning!

That's a Huge Oven i tell you.

And a Gigantic Pan!

look at the dispensers
like soap dispenser=))
rite, finally done with this fha post.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

What i've always believed.

If it doesn't start, it will not end.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

thesesa's bday;)

thesesa's(teresa) 21st Birthday @ Sakae Sushi=)

i dunno why a ghost joined us for the celebration..
we're so bloated & full so we played with our fried hotate while the food gets digested hah
Anw, 21 years Old already, time to get your tattoo?? haha=D
hope u had a good time=)
happy birthday!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

- Marilyn Monroe

I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you can appreciate them when they're right, you believe less so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things fall together.

Moral of the story: Trust no one but yourself. Life sucks. Maybe not all the time, but still, it sucks.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


went to the Singapore Zoo on tuesday 1st april=)

1st picture of the day, taken with the colourful parrots.

been so long since the last time i went

dun even remember when was it but my mum insists she brought me ther.

so anw, i think these are otters? cant remember.

i wonder what they're doing too. haa

Next stop

White Tiger=))

Kangaroo Time!

look at wei siong's excited expression=D

The fierce looking emu 1st,

explains the freaked face of mine ya? need not say more.

this lonely smaller sized kangaroo looked kinda unwell..
so we decided to be its fren for a few secs=) so kind, i noe. ha

oh yes
we took turns to take pictures with Ah Meng=)

(wei siong checking out the nipple, tsktsktsk)

'crocodile hunters'!

look at our shag faces!
it's tiring walkin around the entire zoo i tell u..

look, it's peeing. it just lied there & answered nature's call. how cool.

ready to pounce anytime!

yea this 1's peeing too..
*this rhino walked away after doing its business & guess wat?
the others came by and had 'tea'! (if u noe wat i mean) urgh..

went to watch the seal show after this.
no pics of the smart seal though.

Ben & Jerry's cow;)
KFC for lunch/dinner and a few pics before saying bye to all the animals=)